No sign up fee - No yearly fee - No monthly charges - simply no fee at all.
How does it work? No minimum quantity orders. In other words we are not discouraging anyone to manufacture. If you are manufacturing between 1 to 100 pieces there is a minimum fee per unit of 25cents that will be charged on small products.
If you are manufacturing anything from 1 to 1000 there is a fee of 15 cents on each product.
For example; if someone wants to manufacture cigarette lighters, or ashtrays and they would like to manufacture 1500 pieces they will then pay a fee of 15 cents on each lighter/ashtray. If someone is manufacturing between 100 to 10,000 they will pay a fee of 10 cents on each item that they are Manufacturing.
The smallest fee on our Manufacturing charge is 10 cents and the highest being one dollar ($1.00). So in other words we will give you a cost from our respective factories.
Let's just assume someone wants to purchase a car battery and the cost is $15.00 USD and they are purchasing seven hundred batteries (700), we may include one dollar ($1.00) on each battery, so the total cost of the battery will now be sixteen dollars ($16.00) this will be our method for Caribbean Manufacturing
Manufacturing must become so affordable and feasible that it prevents Caribbean Manufactures and Central South American Manufacturers from going to China to Manufacture and in return get a higher quality and a better product. We are looking for Quality and great quantity